Monday, September 27, 2010


One week ago today I made the decision to go raw. To be honest I wasn't 100% sure I was capable of it, but it is something I always knew I wanted to do one day when I had the means. After doing a ton of reading, and perfecting some dehydrator recipes I was very excited to make the switch. To be honest there were a couple times this week where I wanted to eat something cooked, but it passed quickly.

I was actually amazed when at my father in laws house, he gave me some canned olives I used to love, I tried one and it tasted disgusting! I ate another just to be sure it wasn't a bad olive, and that one too tasted off. I asked them if they could tell, in case they were bad, and they both agreed that they tasted the same as they always do. Has anyone else made the switch to raw and then cooked food tastes bad to you?

Oh yes, Lion Share Industries (who I am now in love with) are having an awesome giveaway! They're giving away a very cool t-shirt from an very cool line of vegan t-shirts all printed on eco-material. See? Love! You can get up to TEN entries just by supporting them and getting the word out! I know I have my fingers and my toes crosses, these are very cool shirts, checkit :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Jumping (back) on the raw food bandwagon.

Recently I've been thinking a lot about going raw, full on 100% raw. In the past I have dabbled quite a bit in raw cuisine and the diet itself has fascinated me for many years, but the trouble is I tend to be an all or nothing kind of girl. This kind of attitude has wreaked havoc on every goal I have ever set for myself. So after a week of failing to take my vitamins and pigging out on chocolate rice cream, I came to the realization that I felt like crap. It was my own little "aha!" moment.

So this morning i made myself a smoothie for breakfast and accompanied it with the most amazing organic peach I've ever tasted, and swallowed all my vitamins like a good little girl. Needless to say i feel like a million bucks! Why is it that when you know for a FACT that raw food makes you feel so good, you crave all the foods that make you feel like garbage? It drives me insane!                                                                                                     

                                      Berry banana smoothie sprinkled with hemp and chia seeds!

Now I am pumped to start trying all kinds of recipes! I've nearly perfected my raw flax crackers already, not to mention that my boyfriend loves them. Also one of my favorite recipes is still cheezy hemp nacho sauce from Kristen's Raw. If you haven't tried this yet I highly recommend it. If you know of any good one's that are good for a vegan on a budget I would love to hear them!